Ordnance Parachute Factory

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GM's Message

Ordnance Parachute Factory (OPF) is a fully Government owned and operated strategic production facility at Kanpur. The factory functions under the Administrative control of Gliders India Limited, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Def, Govt. of India.

Primary focus of the factory is to manufacture and supply various types of Parachutes and related products for Military and Defence purposes. These Parachutes are used in a wide range of applications including Personnel Parachutes for soldiers, Cargo Parachutes for supplies and deceleration Parachutes for breaking and landing Equipment. OPF plays vital role in supporting Armed forces by providing them with high quality Parachutes and Associated Equipments.

Ordnance Parachute Factory also has very long experience in making of Boats, Floats and Inflatable stores apart from Troop Equipments and Uniforms.

Under the `Self-reliance’ policy and `Make-in-India’ policy of the Government of India, OPF had developed new products like `Recovery Parachute for Gaganyaan’, `Drone Rescue Parachute’, `Speed Resistant Parachute’ and `Water Proof Multi Purpose Rain Pancho Convertible Edge Bioac’ etc. Our concrete and meaningful efforts in innovation of new products and adoption of modern technologies will continue towards excellence. Significant success has been achieved in developing `Paratrooping parachute PTA G-2 (Parachute Tactical Assault Gajraj)’ and `Military Combat Parachute System (MCPS)’ for aircraft like IL-76 and C- 16. OPF continues to innovate for the futuristic requirement of the Defence and civilian Applications.

OPF is equally committed in providing a Clean, Green and Healthy conducive environment for a dynamic business experience to all.

God Bless!!

B. L. Meena, IOFS
General Manager